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Welcome to BFI

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

Our BFI branches might meet around a conference table, in a coffee shop or even online through video conferencing. Our Branches will be enlightened through innovative training opportunities and empowered by the Holy Spirit of the living God to make an impact in their communities.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in Business Fellowship International.

Truly exciting days are ahead for us all. We are convinced that a “new wave” of the Holy Spirit is upon us. The forerunner of our work and this Fellowship, Demos Shakarian, spoke of this “new wave of the Holy Spirit”...

“Hear me on this. God has revealed this as clearly to me now as He did in that original vision in 1952. The Lord God Jehovah is ready to explode a new wave of revival in this world… and He wants you prepared to participate in His plan.” – A New Wave of Revival: The Vision Intensified (1983)

Business Fellowship International exists to prepare a people to participate in God’s plan for this “new wave” of revival and spiritual awakening around the world.

Our goal is twofold:

1) Raise up 10 righteous people in every city.

(Genesis 18:20-33)

2) Equip, train, inspire and support this group to discover God’s plan for demonstrating the gospel of Jesus Christ in that city.

We call the individual members “partners” and we call a group of members “branches.” Our desire is to make Jesus Christ and His work central to our Fellowship and allow the Holy Spirit to direct the work of each Branch as He sovereignly wills.

Our work as a Fellowship begins with prayer. Prayer for our government leaders, prayers for our churches and schools, prayers for our businesses, prayers for the welfare of our cities and prayers for the salvation of our neighbors. Through praying together we believe that God, by the work of His Holy Spirit, will begin to reveal his specific plan to proclaim and demonstrate His gospel message to their city.

We also intend to innovate, update and modernize the organization to be non-political, effective and legitimately Spiritual. For example: Our BFI branches might meet around a conference table, in a coffee shop or even online through video conferencing. Our Branches will be enlightened through innovative training opportunities and empowered by the Holy spirit of the living God to make an impact in their communities.

Therefore, we are excited to partner with you to see this “new wave of revival” begin to grow in cities around the world.

We invite you to:

1) Become a Partner of Business Fellowship International (BFI).

2) Organize a BFI Branch, men and women alike, that meets together regularly.

3) Look to participate in the nearest training opportunity for you and your Branch.

You will be able to accomplish all this and more at our website:

We welcome you to make a commitment to Business Fellowship International. We believe your partnership with this Fellowship will be the spark that ignites the move of God in your city. You are on the ground floor of a truly grassroots, organic work of the Holy Spirit that we believe will bring revival and spiritual awakening to the world… ultimately fulfilling the vision given to Demos Shakarian:

“These who had been so isolated, each in his prison of self, were linked in a community of love and adoration. Asia, Africa, America – everywhere – death had turned to life.”

May this come to pass in our lifetime…

Brenda Shakarian International President

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